Saturday, August 28, 2010

Travian 4: Wall Changes

So in order to make micro farming less profitable or at least slow it’s rapid ascent the developers have made it so each level of the wall provides an increase to the base defence of the village as well as the current bonus to the defensive capabilities of troops stationed in the village. So:

Romans get 10 Def p/l
Gauls get 8 Def p/l
Teutons get 6 Def p/l

Although the idea is great in premise and actually would seem to help simming players or at least make defence more of a worthwhile option in the early game I think it’s worth it to point out that a roman with a level 4 wall would immediately kill 1 clubswinger, maybe more if they had a village with enough natural defence. By 200 population on my speed account I normally have a level 12 wall on my main account (it’s a bit unusual but I’m Roman and like to defend again attacks) so anyone raiding me with say the usual 3 clubswingers would lose all of them without me needing a single defensive unit. For me this is perfect, I will now be able to concentrate fully on offensive troops when I start without the niggling feeling that I get that if I go off for an hour a Tueton might come on and take some of my precious resources. This will only be good for new players if they actually build a wall though, as Support when people ask how to stop raiding or how to kill more of the opposition troops I find they have not built a wall at all but usually about 90% of them have followed the quests, so the perfect solution (and one that has now been raised by a fellow crew member in the crew forums) is to have a quest getting someone to build a wall. If that were to happen I think new players would have a good chance of causing casualties and understanding how the wall system works.

Teutons will adapt though and it won’t take them very long to do so, the first thing that will happen is that they will risk clearing active players earlier so they get them before they have time to build a wall hopefully causing them to go inactive. Another thing that is likely to happen is more hits on fellow Tueton players because they are now placed further behind defensively. 


Say the person you are raiding has a wall high enough level to kill 1 clubswinger, to recoup the losses of that clubswinger AND you wish to make a profit from that raid you'd need to send atleast 6 clubswingers. 1 would die leaving you a potential bounty of 300 with a profit of 50 resources. Any raids lower than 6 clubswingers would now be loss making. On a raid to a village where a player has a high enough wall to kill 2 clubswingers you'd need to send 10 clubswingers to make a profit and the margins are even worse amounting to 40 as the minimum. 


Now for Gauls raiding with phalanx this is even worse. For a village able to kill 1 phalanx unit you'd need to send 11 phalanx per raid to turn a profit and that profit will only be 35 resources. For raiding a village that has the ability to kill 2 phalanx you'd need to send 20 units on the raid and you'd still only turn a profit of 35 resources.


Personally I think the Romans come off the worse in this due to their also worse travel time. For a village able to kill 1 leg you'd need to send 10 legs per raid and only turn over a profit of 50 resources. For a village able to kill 2 legs you'd need to send 18 to be able to turn over the same 50 resources.

So although Tuetons have become even better at raiding because of this (compared to other tribes not compared to current ability) their growth may well become slower in the earlier parts of the game, on top of this Romans and Gauls are inconvenienced the most. Any way, make of the figures what you will.

Change Rating: 5.5/10

Excellent idea but I’m not sure it’s going to work out as planned. We’re going to have to wait and see on this one.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Travian's Competitors

Hey Guys,

Just a very quick post while I'm on holiday. I thought you might be interested to know who Travian's biggest German competitors are.

Bigpoint - Biggest game is Farmerama
Upjers - Biggest Game is My Free Farm
Gameforge - Most known for Ikariam & Metin2
InnoGames - Biggest game is Tribal Wars

Hope that's interesting to a couple of people. There are other browser game companies but these are the biggest at the moment, Gameforge is the one with the largest revenue which they told the media at GamesCom was in the 3 digit millions.


Monday, August 23, 2010

We're Away

Hey Guys,

Just to let you know that both of us are away on holiday for the next few days at least, I believe Bea is climbing a mountain and I'm in Greece getting some relaxation in so there probably won't be a proper blog post until next week.

Some time next week however I'll be looking at all the changes announced for T4 so far (there should be another DEV post by then as well) as well as anything staff members have let slip. Although to be clear staff members only really know what you know so don't expect major gossip.


My Trip to Mt Fuji

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Com5 WW RACE Updates

Not only WW were destroyed and even his Great warehouse :( and Great Ganaries

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Diadem-operation killing the worms

Today, August 17, 2010 we decided to send an attack to this guy at 3PM, enough for our TT not to loose a lot.

My friends and I were really laughing about this guy sending messages to us. I am the one kept scouting him. Don was asking if we can attack Assasin but I suggest, let us attack first Floda. They agreed! Because the messages he sent to us.

We scouted him before couple times and now this is the real scoutings... trying to find out how many armies he has in the village. There are 3 hats in the village. Hmm... YUMMY!

Here is the attack... BOOM!!! Bonus, there were 3 Hats/settlers and he will be not liking it :P

Now, we are thinking to send an attack to the other of his village- Scoutings- as you can see in the outbound attack... You can see also the returning armies from his 15cropper village which is 40 minuates away from my village.

We will see how much we killed. Don is sending this attack.

Uh uh- we did not catch his armies and he moved it to the second village.. Down below-he killed diadem's armies :( cats-yeah we sent the defender unit-thought he is still offline. :( But he came online. Oh well...

From the bounty we got from him and when the armies did came home. Send them out for farming and so we can rebuild the catapults, rams and our defender units. As you can see down below. We have phalanx trained quick LOL. This is funny. Don felt bad after he saw the attacked he made. It was a game, troops trained and intended for battle LOL...

Updates August 17, 2010 at 9:30PM GMT+9
Check it out, he sent message down below. LOL.

Monday, August 16, 2010

USX Endgame Results-Jailbait WW keeper won the race

This was posted to the usx forum.... They all love Jono. Hammers that help Jono win, Hammers visited Ironhand. More Hammers landed to the other WW can be found it here

The WW holder who won the race, Jailbait, below is his profile. You can see on the profile who are playing in the account. Jono is one of the popular player in usx server. Everyone is looking at this kid.

Jailbait inside the WW village. Everyone are always curious to what WW looks like. Oh yeah, it is full of Great Warehouses and Great Granaries... but people wanted to look at it even to the WW holder accounts. I was being busted by the USX MH, I was asking permission to visit inside Jailbait account but all were prohibited because of the messages which insulted by then. I really feel all were silly, the game is already stop, the WW is already level 100. But who cares. I only care to get screenshots. 

The defense that his team been feeding.

The last Statistics...

Jailbait's hero were dead and they could not afford to wait for the revival time. And so he has level 1 spearman. He had level 110 hero....

How clever is that? Two World Wonder Building plans in one account. When the other plan is moved due to an incoming attacks, the other one still active and can build more. The plan village is not defended and so the defense is concentrated to the WW itself.
Below are his list of villages.. There is no exciting really....

Sunday, August 15, 2010

A Server That Breaks All The Rules: Australia Server 2

Hey Guys,

I've been debating with myself, as well as a couple of friends, whether to report this or not and I finally came to the conclusion that if I don't talk about it then it'll just be the ramblings of .au players and staff members who have heard the rumours. Anyway, all of you know that .au is a pretty dead domain, they have some excellent players but other than that I don't believe the domain has ever had more than 10,000 active players (don't quote me on that) and the admin Loki has decided to try and spice up the domain by launching a special server.

This server (when it restarts, the date has not been decided), shall be a server where the following things are allowed:

  • Multiaccounting - That's right you can have as many accounts as you like!
  • Password Sharing - You can share your password with anyone else who has an account!
The MultiHunter will only be responsible for dealing with other rules that are being broken such as insulting language and using a foreign language and not English. Before I go on about what I think of the server I'd like to point out that this server was Loki's idea and NOT HQs however it was done with their knowledge and supposedly their consent.

What I Think:

First of all I'd like to mention I hate cheaters in all forms, that is precisely why I became a staff member to start with along with wanting to pass on some of my knowledge. However I think it is good that this idea is being tested out, it will allow us to see publicly what effect multiaccounting has on the game and whether it actually is the menace that many people think it is; when it is against the rules it is very hard to detect how it is affecting the players around these multiaccounters and I think this will give us a good impression of what is actually happening. I personally believe it will be the new players who will lose out, those who have no knowledge of what multiaccounting is and just joined from an advert will find themselves hopelessly beaten down by players who have been able to rapidly grow due to having numerous accounts.

The problem I foresee is that Headquarters may like what they see (I hope they don't), or atleast think it's easier, and decide to legalise multiaccounting on all servers (most likely to happen when the final worldwide rule set is created, due late 2010 or when Travian 4 launches) like when they started to allow duals after they found it hard to enforce rules against dualling. If this happens without public consultation or at the minimum one server per domain I would foresee a major drop in players accross Travian and a much smaller number of new players deciding to carry on in the game.

But anyway that's enough of the doom and gloom. Personally I very much doubt that multiaccounting will be adopted in Travian for a variety of reasons, some which we will see in the server and some that are just common sense, but for the sake of keeping positive (and keeping the post to a decent length) I've decided not to list them here.

The server will have more players than the rest of the other Australian servers, or at least it should have if the .au admins do what they should be doing and make sure word of month spreads it around a bit. The main group of players will probably semi-serious players who are really there to see how this idea works and pans out and only plan on playing on account or maybe a couple but not to be a major contender. The next group will be the newbes who were unwittingly sucked into this server without really knowing about the rule changes and they'll probably end up completely farmed out of the game or outgrown faster than on any other server. The final group is the truely serious players, these are the people that will either be password sharing on a fairly large scale and/or multiaccounting a fair bit as well; they'll be zooming a head in population and raiding totals from quite early on. You'll probably be able to tell which are which by looking around their 7x7s.

I also am pretty sure (although people will disagree), that the player average gold spend will be reduced on this server, a sensible player would take advantage of the much larger resource production they have available to them to avoid using the NPC as much as possible. I don't think it'll go down by a massive amount but I think the admins (and HQ) will see a dip in the amount per player spent.

As yet I am undecided whether I am going to be playing the server to cover it and see what happens, but there's a very good chance I'll be doing further updates about it and if possible trying to talk to some staff members in Australia about the server, so watch this space.


USX MORE hammers

Friday-next day is Saturday...

I know blaseblase-if he is they blaseblase the last round.

I will try to find out who has the big hammer gauls. I like gauls.

I think this one hit to Snap-on WW village...

Saturday, August 14, 2010

USX WK-SYN alliance and their meta Winner

Their medals below..They are proud of.

1. blaseblase 34199 44
2. Dameion 34181 43
3. LazySimmer 33727 48
4. Fire&Flames 33482 40
5. GarDexLeau 33419 38
6. Little Beast 32637 37
7. Skystarr 29554 40
8. balkan boys 29161 37
9. Berserk 29061 37
10. Jerk&Snatch 28491 39
11. KaBlaam 28000 40
12. Losingme 27183 34
13. Wolfsangel 26824 36
14. Theseus 25793 33
15. Lenus 25475 40
16. Twinkie Bandit 24415 33
17. Sloppet 23665 33
18. Deathbringer 23464 32
19. Donthavaclue 23290 30
20. malone 23275 33
21. The Real snow 22990 31
22. Jivaro 21664 30
23. Backara 21353 27
24. iconoclast 20649 28
25. Optimus_Mine 20333 29
26. Supaman3k1 20294 28
27. truerebel 19471 29
28. thepanda2332 19269 30
29. Reggae 19022 31
30. bwnrpwn 16972 24
31. scipiio 16839 23
32. kain787 16092 22
33. cannabis 15488 27
34. mcbride 13492 17
35. bullseye 13197 20
36. sunrise2010 12689 16
37. didamet 12319 19
38. Valley West 11680 21
39. Guntrich 11549 25
40. icemann17 11276 23
41. JIM BEAM 11175 17
42. Jumbo 11121 19
43. Lost Eskimo 9632 18
44. squirter 8185 16
45. NewbsGoPro 8172 21
46. Elendae 7513 12
47. slops 4671 11

Hammers landed to Ironhand

Down below are the hammers landed to Ironhand WW village

The Real Snow stats: Rank 162 player, owned 31 villages with a population of 22990. Off Rank=132 with 182203 kills. Def Rank=1168 with 3509 kills. It stinks! No one tried to kill this guy LOL.

Its weird...i cant upload jpg file.. try again..
