we talked about getting WW, building, attacking and defending ww. Now...
With implementation of artifacts it added new tactical and planning dimension to WW race. There is few artifacts that can be used for WW race, and few techniques on how to use them. let me first run through artifacts and give short verdict on them.
Important - you cant build treasury at WW village so to protect it too you need large artifact with account wide scope.
The architects'secret
great: This artefact gives your village a protection against catapults and rams. It makes buildings and walls 3x more stable.
unique: This artefact gives your village a protection against catapults and rams. It makes buildings and walls 5x more stable.
Verdict: Most wished and most used WW artifact. Hands down best to protect WW. If you have one its first choice for WW (solo or combo). Unique is single best WW artifact so... if you want ww win, consider putting some effort to get it. It will limit damage enemy hammers make so in mid game do all you canto not loose them to enemy ;) on other hand if you can snatch one from opponents- good for you!
The eagles eyes
This artefact makes your scouts Xx stronger than normal. All scouts in the village as well as all scouts sent for spying from this village are affected. Additional you can see the type of troops attacking you at your rally point, but not the amount of troops.
Doesn't matter large or unique - only thing that matter is that it allows you to see incoming troop types. With eyes arty you can (a) up defense/kill attacker when hero attacking with hammer pops up (b) monitor attacks on your artifacts - look out for hero.
Verdict: depends on preferences. I love WWs with eyes. Some people dont see sense in it. Unless eyes is only endgame arty you have, use it in combo.
This artefact increases the capacity of crannies by 500x. Additional effect: Catapults can only shoot random on villages within artefacts power. Exceptions for the village and account artefact's are WW and Treasury. Exception for the unique artifact is only the WW.
Also endgame arty.Throws off aim enemy hammers so technically they might end up destroying MP instead of GWH. I have not checked it myself, but people who checked says that even with random aim if you aimed to structures inside village, it will shoot to structures inside village,so there is little chance that hammer aiming to GWH will flatten clay pit.Unique one protects Treasuries, so it can serve as additional defense to plans and WW arties.
Verdict: Use it if you dont have architects. And pray to travian gods they give you some luck. And fill all spots with buildings...maybe it will help. Can be used solo and combo.
its pretty simple...
Solo artifact -one large arty per WW account. Put it in acc, wait to activate and enjoy.
Combo artifact - abit more sneaky and bit headachy technique. Still very efficient because allows you to switch between artifacts as needed. I will going bit deeper on it.
How to get 2 large arties in one WW account?
You cant get with your hero 2 large arties, so you need to use backdoor so to say. Someone from alliance donates village (look it to be away from enemies, so their hammers travel longer and close to your players), gets lvl20 treasury there and grabs the artifact you want as second in WW account. then WW holder chief village.Voila, 2 large arties in one account.
How to switch between using them?
first you need both of them to be in chieftable villages, so even before you chief second large arty, move first to villa that is not place where significant amount of troops come from.
now the terms -"primary arty" = arty whose powers are working; "sleeping arty"= artifact whose powers isnt working because it is newest one - game mechanics is that artifact longer in account is active and newest one isnt."Longer in account" - kinda imprecise term because self chiefting village reset timer, making older one newer and newer becomes acitve older.
you will switch artifacts powers by use of chiefs. I think easiest way to explain it is by an example:
WW holder. 2arties.
primary arty- eyes, sleeping arty - architects.
You see dangerous hero attack on ww and need to turn on currently sleeping arty - architects.
Send chiefs to rechief currently active eyes arty. Self chiefting will reset timer on eyes and architects will become active.
For eyes artifact activisation time count down will start. After time required for artifact you put to sleep (eyes) to activate, it will become sleeping arty that you can activate again (after attacks has landed) by self chiefting architects arty.
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