Saturday, September 25, 2010

[Any Player] 8 Tips For New Players

Number 1: Be Patient, Travian is a game which often takes a while to get into, even if you are being attacked follow guides and other people's suggestions and soon you'll be enjoying the game.

Number 2: Cranny Up, As a new player always build a cranny which can cover the amount your warehouse can hold. This means you'll be able to protect your resources from being stolen.

Number 3: Be Polite, If someone is attacking you, be polite to them, a lot of players are willing to stop raiding or attacking you if you can prove to them that they won't get anything from you. It's also just correct to be polite.

Number 4: Make Friends, This follows on from number 4, making friends who will help you, protect you and give you advice when you need it can be a major part of enjoying the game. Travian although a war game is also a community and making friends will improve your game massively.

Number 5: Be Active, This can be an issue for all levels of players but being active is important. Top accounts are active nearly 24 hours a day. For casual players I still suggest checking and developing your account at least two or three times a day.

Number 6: Join An Alliance, Being part of an alliance that is active, strong and organised is a must for any level of player. A good alliance that values it's members will help them out in any situation. Join an alliance that you value and that values you. 

Number 7: Read Guides, There are a massive number of guides around helping new players and established ones alike learn how to do more in the game. Read as many of these as you need to to become a confident and skillful player.

Number 8: Find A Mentor, A mentor is a player who is experienced in the game and is willing to share their knowledge. Finding a good one is hard but can really help make you a great player.

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