Thursday, March 31, 2011

Travian Movie Announced 'The Last Stand'

Hey Guys,

I told you I was storing up big news, and today the domain admins finally received the go a head to republish the announcement to the public. Travian IS MAKING a movie! 'The Last Stand' is a full feature animation film due to be released late October within Europe followed by a November launch in America and a limited release some time late in the year within China.

From what I've been able to ask the film centers on three Gallic brothers who are all separated from a very young age and only reconnect later in life as the Natars invade their world. The brothers have now become powerful Generals within their new tribes (one is Roman, another is Gaul and the final is Tueton) and are tasked with organizing co-operation within the tribes in order to defeat the vicious Natars.

I've been told that some big names in the German film industry are involved in the project (although I don't seem to have heard of them) and that the project was Travian's largest financial investment ever. Although I couldn't determine for certain what kind of advertising would be used it seems that they'll be TV advertising for the movie in at least 7 countries and a massive targeted online marketing push.

Anyway, like we did with Travian 4's launch expect this blog to be covering news of the movie all the way to the day it's released and beyond.


Travian's official announcement can be found here

Monday, March 28, 2011

Travian News - Questions Answered

Hey Guys,

The Game Admins on various Travian domains have just released a set of question and answers on major questions that have been asked by Travian players. Here's a roundup:

  • 'Lite' Graphics Version Launching Next Week
  • No Facebook Version of Travian
  • Mobile Version being looked into
  • Travian 3.6 Classic Speed Servers Coming
  • New Aggressive Bot Solution
You can read the full post here:


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Big Announcement from Travian coming soon


A massive announcement is coming from Travian in the next few days, not sure how much I can say because of the NDA I signed when I first joined .com and now crew. Anyway, all I can say is that it's pretty surprising but very good news so once it's been officially launched I'll be able to post more details up.


Sunday, March 20, 2011

[T4] Hero's Guide to get "Experience" without scrolls

Everyone are eager to get hero's experience in T4 (Week 5) but most of them depend upon Adventures and Scrolls.

Well, adventures are shrinking... Scrolls are getting expensive. So most of the Non-Gold User are really low on Hero's experience. In this guide you will find a technique to get Hero Experience Points for free.
== Steps to follow ==

1) Firstly, you have to have about 4000+ Hero Fighting Strength (Week 5)

2) You need some Cavalry Units

3) A target oasis. It's better if you chose a +25 % Clay or +25% Clay +25% Crop because they usually have Rats, Spiders and Wild Boar.Where Wild Boar only has only 33 Defense against cavalry.

Choose a weak defense oasis like this is more suitable...

Then raid the oasis with your Cavalry Only including your mighty hero.

== Conclusion ==

You will get about 51 Hero experience. So if you do this around 5 times a day you will get around 300 Experience with some resource bonus. In a scroll ranges about 200 - 350 Silver coins... So it's better this way for non-gold users


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Natarian Attacks - Settling in Grey Area

Natars are released from the start in T4. Hence competitions have also started. In the middle of the map. About 20x20 belong to the Natars and is known as the Grey area or Zone. Settling in grey area is dangerous. Natars will make several attacks with multiple Catapult Waves and if your village gets 0 Population, your village will turn into history.
== Attacks ==

Hence this is my experience in settling in Grey area.
(Click to see in a larger view)
Well 14 Attacks with Multiple Catapult waves.

This is my friends village, he did this to prevent 0 Poped..
Well, I didn't get that Idea before of fulling up with Cranny :( ...
This is my village...Soon to be attacked. So I soon started to fill it up with Crannies! It pretty worked for me and I survived those attacks.

== Attacking Units ==

So this was the first attack and was the most powerfull of all

After those it was followed by some small units

At the end I was left with some Crannies,Crop Lands,etc..

== Conclusion ==

Hence, to survive there you don't have to dump defense troops just try build more than 30 buildings or structures. So that you don't get 0 Population!

It seems most of them are trying to do the cranny technique please don't do it until you have some buildings which have population. Crannies provide target for attacks so it can save population buildings to some extent

Your building list must have...

  1. Market Place
  2. Ware House
  3. Granary
  4. Barracks
  5. Main building
  6. Academy
  7. Smithy
  8. Embassy
  9. Hero's mansion
  10. Residence(or Palace)
  11. Cranny lvl-10
  12. 8x Cranny Lvl 1
  13. 18 Resource Fields...
This article is based on my experience...So try it, if you would like. I am not responsible


Sunday, March 13, 2011

Guide to a Raiders Mindset

Written By: boomdawg
Original Copy:
Formatting By: Steve10

This guide looks inside the mind of a heartless, unashamed raider. 

There are plenty of guides to tell you how to stop being a farm or how to avoid ever becoming one but I have yet to see one that truly explains the mindset of a raider. Knowing this and this alone won't keep you from being a farm or stop you from being a farm but what this insight can do is explain why you should do the things mentioned and possibly help you prioritize or change how you do the things the other guides suggest.

First and foremost a raider raids because it's a benefit to them. This may seem obvious to most but some people don't seem to get it and take it personally. But truly understanding that a raider is in it for their own benefit allows one to think creatively about how to deal with a raider. 

There are several ways you as a farm are a benefit to a raider and minimizing all these aspects is a surefire way to get the raiding to stop (though depending on how you go about it the raiding may stop and the catapults may begin). The most obvious benefit a farm provides to a raider is resources. Resources and time are the two most important factors of Travian. If you are giving up resources even some of the time you are providing a very tangible benefit to the raider. The more you provide the more valuable you are to the raider. The earlier in the game you are providing them (relative to their start time) that value is increased. That is to say 4,000 resources in the first 3 days of playing means a lot more than 10,000 resources in the 9th month of playing.

The next possible benefit is experience for their hero. This comes if you have defenses which are getting killed off to the raiders attacks (if the hero is present of course) or if you send troops to attack the raider (and the hero is there with defense). As with resources the more experience you provide and the sooner you provide it the more valuable it is to the raider.

Lastly is an intangible benefit that is often overlooked yet one of the more prized aspects of a good farm. This benefit is entertainment. The raider is playing a game for enjoyment. Some find this joy in being good at what they do. Others find it in dominating some aspect of the game whether it be rankings or other people. Some are here for the social aspect and raiding is a means to increase their social standing or take care of others in their social circle. Not all farms provide entertainment but those that do tend to do so in a few different ways. 

The first and least productive way is through whining or threatening IGMs or even forum posts. I can tell you a funny threatening IGM will get passed around to the raider's friends faster than the only lighter on a cigarette break. These types of messages in most cases will actually prompt further antagonism in the hopes of it causing even more humorous messages to ensue. Calling out the raider on the forums is in some circles the ultimate prize and only further cements your role as a farm.

The second way of providing entertainment is to just be humorous. Sending messages that are witty or off the wall is another way to provide entertainment for the raider that stands a better chance of a positive outcome. I personally have used messages similar to the following:

Dear (raider name), 
I wanted to send you a note in regards to your visitation earlier today. I took note of your very dashing and well mannered Macemen you sent. They were quite polite in setting about their task of tidying up the stray resources I had just laying about and for that I am quite grateful. I will have to get at my handservents about the mess and hopefully, should you visit again, there won't be so much lying around in the future. 
Thankfully Yours, 

You could easily change this about depending on your circumstances, perhaps inviting them to return for tea at some future date (so long as you know your crannies will be covering the resources you will have then). I have even changed the air of the message to chastise the soldiers for their slovenliness and rude behavior. In using such a light hearted manner I have even secured the return of raided resources.

Thirdly you can entertain the one raiding you via flattery. Compliment them on their prowess, size and strength. Ask them humbly if perhaps they could share some of their wisdom with you. I wouldn't advise you to berate yourself too much but do make it clear that you feel you could benefit from any knowledge they might so kindly impart. If they respond favorably with info but keep farming, take their advice, implement it if worthwhile and move one. Message again a few days later with another simple question. Don't forget to be grateful. Just about everyone likes to have their ego stroked if it seems sincere and everyone likes to be appreciated. It's not uncommon for raiders to dispense good advice and then give the farm in question a little respite to see if they follow through. 

If they see you becoming successful and they feel they may have played a role in that they may see you as a possible ally more than a possible threat. Again it comes back to being able to benefit from you. Even if they don't stop farming you but you have established a "working" relationship you may offer to become a defensive player for them. All raiders focus heavily on offense for a notable length of time and thus end up behind on the defensive troops and upgrades. If they feel they can trust you it's not unheard of for a raider to stop raiding someone and come to depend on them for defenses if the need arises. As a Teuton raider I have made this arrangement with Roman players. They provide the infantry defense and I offer to stop raiding and provide some modicum of cavalry defense. If they don't need defenses try to identify some other need they may have. You may even offer to to provide quarter for some of their troops if they aren't using them all in raiding.

Now that we've fairly well covered how you can appeal to a raider as providing benefit. Let's address other aspects of how a raider thinks.

I have seen it said that some farms feel the raider wants them to quit. I will not say this is never the case but it is truly a sadistic raider that desires this outcome. One of the biggest complains raiders make is about farms quitting and their villages deleting (not the case so much with T4). Raiders want to raid you for what you provide. If you quit and your village disappears they get nothing from you anymore. Most raiders have come to accept this as the long term cost of business but this desire to keep you around can be played to. This is why raiders don't go and catapult unproductive farms into the ground and decry those who do.

Here too, good open communication with the one raiding you is important. Messaging them and threatening to delete if they don't stop farming you does little good. If they don't raid you or you delete it's the same difference. Here is when you can try to offer tribute. If you have built up a good rapport with them previously or if this is your last ditch effort it's worth a try to stop the raiding. Message the raider offering the limit of 1 hours production every day. If you're bold enough or desperate enough you may even offer it as a short term stay with the issue to be revisited in 2 weeks or so. 

This offers several benefits to the raider. If you're further away from them it means they won't have to tie up so many troops in making repeated trips to you, which in turn means they can then raid someone else and still get some resources from you. This also means you'll be around longer and though raiding generally falls by the wayside for many, it's always nice to have or find decent farms in mid to late game that aren't too far away. Additionally this means you'll grow, not as fast as you could but you will grow. This is good because it means you'll be a better farm later and the tribute ensures you won't grow too fast and become a threat to the raider. 

What this means to you is instead of losing nearly all your production you'll only lose 1/24th of it. This also buys you time. With this time you can build up your own troop levels, do some farming yourself (possibly), find a solid stable alliance, or even just time to build up the relationship with the raider. Even if at first rejected you can broach the subject of becoming a defender once you've established yourself as being reliable with the tribute. Lastly this may provide you enough time to get your second village and move it someplace far safer.

Now that we've addressed the resources and entertainment benefits that farming can provide a raider lets talk about the experience benefits. In it's simplest form this is very easy. Don't let troops die to the one raiding you. Many people accomplish this by not building troops at all. In the short term this is not such a bad way to go but long term it can lead to problems. Eventually you won't be able to cranny all your resources you produce. This happens because your fields have gotten so productive and your warehouse so big or because you find that you need to demolish some crannies to make room for more buildings. When this happens you don't want to start giving up resources. Some people will start dumping their resources into research, you can only spend so much though and research queues start to get very very long taking days or even weeks on regular servers. Troops on the other hand can be started at any time, the only restriction is crop and a well developed 6 cropper can sustain more than a thousand troops. So we can see to deny resources eventually troops become necessary (also to stop the cycle of farming as well).

The simplest way to keep troops alive is to keep them out of your town. This can be done by sending them as reinforcements to a friends village, sending them out on long raids and immediately sending them back out again. The problem with these is availability. If your friend is close by they are probably being farmed too. If they are far away then it could take a long time to get your defenses back when you need them. If you send them on far raids their availability can be even less than if their at your friend's. In addition while this is happening you cannot use them for your own farming. But another way is to dodge (it's called evasion in T4). This method allows you to keep them on hand when you're around and you can still send them on long walks while you sleep or work. How this works is once you see an incoming raid you figure out about when it lands so you can decide if you'll be there. You let all your troops return from their raids and you wait, then roughly one minute before the raid arrives you send all your troops out, wait 40 seconds to a minute (you get 90 seconds) and then recall them. I don't advise waiting till 20 seconds before the raid arrives because lag or human error can cause you to miss the delay and then you're giving up experience again.

Now that we've identified how to prevent your local tormentor from benefiting via resources, experience and provided them an alternative way to entertain what goes through the raiders mind. At this point it's probably apathy. You're not a threat to them, you're not a threat to a future cropper (if you are there isn't much you can do to save yourself). You're not providing experience for their hero. The only entertainment you provide is the occasional polite message but those can't be provoked out of you via violence of action and as such the raider ceases to care. Sure they might send something your way every now and then, see if you've gotten lazy in your anti-farm defense, but so long as they continue to get nothing they'll stop altogether. To continue to attempt to farm you now costs time, and produces nothing. Now that you're not a farm you're more attractive to alliances worth joining which will be able to provide some modicum of protection and cause you to drop off the raiders radar altogether.

There is yet one raider where none of this matters. This raider for a variety of possible reasons actually is intent on driving you from the game. There is no way to appease this raider. No amount of tribute offered, no amount of losses inflicted, no matter what alliance you join, nothing will deter this person from their goal. These raiders may be sadistic and derive their benefit from the suffering of others (Schadenfreude). They may also be paranoid. I have been in an alliance with someone that refused to let anyone exist within 7 squares of any of his villages to the point of catapulting an alliance mates newly settled town (technically it was a different alliance but we were in the same meta). He was so paranoid about "his 7x7" that we eventually had to boot him and pummel him into deleting. There is no way to reason with folks such as raiders such as these, and as such the only possible actions are to survive long enough to get a second village or delete your account and start over (most likely on another server if people already have catapults on the one you're on).

Saturday, March 12, 2011

New Look Site (+ New Authors)

Hey Guys,

If you are a regular reader you might have noticed that today we've re-done the entire site with a new theme and new design. It's been quite a major rethinking of our whole design and layout which took a while to do but with our intentions of becoming a much larger site with significantly more traffic I decided it was the time to do so. Anyway before I explain some of the changes I thought I'd remind you all of how the page looked just 1 day ago so I can point out previous problems.

Previous Blog Design!
As you can see the old design was rather cluttered with two sidebars, one on each side of the main posting area, which were quite thin and meant the sidebar content was crushed. As well as this it mean the actual post space wasn't large enough to fit normal size images so they tended to overlap out of the page which was really annoying. To solve the problem in the new design we've completely removed the right sidebar and put the useful things from that side of the page onto the left sidebar which has been made bigger so all the gadgets fit well. It has also meant we have massively increased the size of the posting areas which means not only can we have full sized inages but also means that posts will now not be nearly as tall as they were previously so it'll be quicker to load most of our pages.

Our description/tagline at the top of the page has been removed because it was rather annoying there and meant there was a massive amount of empty space to either side and took longer to get to the actual post. Our 'Pages' link bar has also been updated so it looks more professional and it's easier to tell which page you are on and have highlighted.  The labels gadget that was previously in the left sidebar has changed into a post cloud which now shows all our labels and tags. Currently the frontpage will now only show the latest two posts.  To make it easier to find similar content you can now find a suggestion of 5 similar posts at the bottom of each posts. 

To go with our new blog design I've also hired two new writers today, one of them is known as Imperial Awesomeness and has already made his first post and also Amalgon, one of the's biggest forum posters and most active members will also start posting soon and I'm extremely to have them both on board. Aml133 recently joined us and has made loads of great posts and he'll be continuing working with us for the foreseeable future. Lavan has also been a great addition to the blog and he's made some really great posts. I hope you'll read and share all of their posts.

I'd also be really great if you could follow us on Twitter here.


Imperial Awesomeness

Hello everybody I am going to be contributing to this site and I hope you won't learn to close the tab every time you see it is by me! I will be writing a guide but for now I am going to do profile for each Ukx top ten alliance.

I don't have a large amount of time tonight so I will do one on my alliance


™W is a powerbased alliance which means that everyone is based in one area after they make their second village and so they have a very good defense. They have made it a few times into the ukx hall of fame. They are currently rank 8 and and their wing ™W++ is open to applications and has a brilliant INF (In-game-forum) run by ME!. But sorry the other stuff will have to wait.

So I have got to face facts here. ™W isn't going to be competing for WWs but there will probably be some great economies and anvils. Because of 100% percent of the being in their powerbase it will make them have a strong quick defense so won't be farms and their leaders are all experienced top 100 players other than me. Their hardcore players who are on the chat room etc. are have been working together for 5 years or more so they work together well and make a formidable team. They will be holding a few artifacts by mid-game and some of them have their offense troop cues non-stop. In the end though they won't be attacking much because they will be defenders. Of course you never really know they could take a level 99 WW by chiefing and then win the game by making it to lvl 100. I doubt it though. There relations are good all around and they are unlikely to join any meta in the endgame rather than give up that security. I will come up with one in the next week or so on GTL (Gym tanning laundry)
Yours Ukx player and .UK and Com forum player Imperial Awesomeness!

Hero Items on T4 - Body Armour

Good morning, afternoon or evening, depending on where you live and what time you read this post. Yes, it is I to give you more insight into Items for your hero, and continuing down the body, lets look at chest protection, which is also known as body armour.

Same as helmets, each body armour has 3 levels, but unlike Helmets, there are only 4 types of Amour. 2 of the 4 only focus on one area of your hero, whilst the other 2 types work on 2 areas of the hero, in other words, its 2 for the price of 1. Isn't that nice of the developers to give you offers.

So, we begin with the first type of amour, which focuses on fighting strength. And as I said, the armour is split into 3 levels:

Level 1 gets 500 more points of fighting strength
Level 2 gets 1'000 more, and
Level 3 gets 1'500 more.

And just to clear this up once and for all, when you remove the armour from your hero, the hero loses its bonus until you re-apply it to your hero, or you sell it off to another player who then puts it on his hero. The second area of armour is ideal for your hero, if you want to do quite a lot of raiding and attacking with your hero. This area is regeneration, and the 3 Levels are as follows:

Level 1 gives you 20 extra health points a day
Level 2 gives you 30 extra health points a day, and
Level 3 gives you 40 extra health points a day.

My opinion? No one needs the 10 plus an extra 40 extra health points leaving your hero fully charged after 2 days, therefore, you'd be better off flogging in it on the auctions - bucket loads of silver = bucket loads of gold :)

Now we move onto the combos, starting with Fighting Strength and Damage Reduction:

Level 1 gets 250 more points of fighting strength and 3 less points of damage,
Level 2 gets 500 more points of fighting strength and 4 less points of damage, and
Level 3 gets 750 more points of fighting strength and 5 less points of damage

and if thats not your fancy, the second combo should provide you a good alternative :). This combo is Damage Reduction also, but with bonus health points to go with it:

Level 1 gives you 10 extra health points a day and 4 less points of damage,
Level 2 gives you 15 extra health points a day and 6 less points of damage, and
Level 3 gives you 20 extra health points a day and 8 less points of damage

personally, Level 3 of the second combo I would say is best, but its not my decision, its yours (well, if you have a T4 account). Thats it from me, Next Week its the left hand, so don't miss it. Cya :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Travian Survey Analysis

Hey Guys,

The results of the survey are now in, although we only just reached 200 respondents I am very happy we did and the answers to this poll have come from 201 results including one completely blank entry. Due to some problems google has generating the results, some percentages may add up to more or less than 100%, don't worry as the proportion shown is correct and so are the number of answers. This post is extremely long and has been split into three sections to make it easier to read. 

Section 1: Travian Game Questions:

The first question asked which domains most players had come from, because of the sheer number of domains I won't be posting a screenshot up but the domains where the most answerers came from was the .com & domains.

The second question in the survey was a simple question, which versions of Travian had the respondent played. The answers showed that the majority of respondents had played both Travian 3.6 and Travian 4. A result I found quite surprising was the fact that 24% of respondents have been playing since Version 2 or earlier which would mean years of experience. 

The next two questions were made to show what kind of players were most common out of the respondents, from the results we can see that they typical player is someone who spends 200 - 600 Gold per month and is online at least 6 hours but under 12. Only 18% of people used absolutely no gold at all and a similar 17% uses more than 1500 Gold Per Month. Only 4% of people played the game for less than 1 hour per day while more than 4 times that number played for more than 12 hours in a single day, and 64% spent between 3 and 12 hours online. 

Out of all the people who responded over 69% believed that they spent too much time time playing Travian and 9% believed they hadn't spent enough.

Next was a question where respondents had to rate how much they enjoyed playing the game, only one person said they did not like playing at all, which begs the question why they would play if they didn't enjoy it. 30% said it was their favourite thing in the world, which I think is quite an impressive number for an online game but it does kind of creep me out. 

The questions from this section, I believe, have shown that the vast majority of players spend a large amount of their time on Travian because they find it highly enjoyable, for the most part they are willing to spend reasonable amount of their own money on the game but they accept that they do devote too much time on the game. Most respondents have tried the newest versions of the game and are relatively new players however a decent number are experienced veterans who have played for many years, which shows the great retention Travian has in keeping it's players and continually drilling money out of them. 

Section 2: Community & Customer Service Questions:

The first question in this section asked respondents to rate the customer service they received from multihunters, moderators, supporters and even admins. These results gave a fairly even mix of results with the highest number of respondents giving Travian CS a 3 which is about average. 30% gave customer service a rating of 2 or 1 while another 30% gave Travian a rating of 4 or 5. This wide range of results shows that Travian needs to step up it's game and standardize the quality of staff over all domains, the fact that it can range so widely shows that the negative experiences are not anomalies and are regular occurances. Domains which are showing large number of negative reports really need to be actively investigated by Travian and, if necessary, changes need to be made. Being average is also not good at a time where hundreds of new games are available online and the competition is really stepping up. Travian should aim to have 90% of respondents giving them a 4 or a 5. 

Next I asked what has been considered Taboo by Travian HQ for a while, which is whether if Travian staff were paid would the service improved. In this questions only 14% believed that there was no chance of improvement if Travian crew were paid. This shows that the vast majority of players believe that if Travian staff were paid service could improve. 

A very simple question followed, asking people which of Travian's community features the respondents used, clearly the most popular was the forum with over 89% saying that they used the forum. To be fair it that could be, in part, because of the fact that this survey was advertised on Travian forums. However the question showed without doubt that the IRC rooms are underused and a bit disappointing. If Travian wish to continue to over the best community features they should really find interesting new ways of interacting with their community.

A quick question on whether forum users enjoyed custom holiday skins, like for Christmas or Halloween, showed that while most people enjoyed them, a significant number thought they should be made only for very special occasions and over 12% believed that they were annoying and made things harder to use. 

This question looked at what people actually used the forum for, with informational purposes about the game, coming out clearly on top. Most people came for the guides, questions, server discussion and news. Socialization was important but the majority of the respondents did not use the forums for this and stuck to just finding out information. Just under 30% of people got involved with either talking about ideas for the game or actually suggesting new ideas which I think is a good number but it'd be better if a lot more people could suggest ideas and made their views on the game known more often.

Following on from that I asked which new ideas players would most like to see implemented into the forums to made them more useful, of course there are more ideas that could make it onto the list but those were the main ones I had recently heard discussed and know are possible.The majority of respondents simple wanted more guides and game information to make playing an easier experience. The next most popular idea was the idea that all Travian forums could have one, single login for all Travian's forums which would mean you would only have to remember one username and password and could login to any of Travian's forums. This would encourage people to share their views and post up guides and other information on many more forums. Although coming in last place over 12% of respondents would have wanted and used the ability to login using facebook connect, which is a popular feature on many of the large, non-travian forums at them moment.

Section 3: Travian & Social Media Questions:

The first question in this section asked respondents which social network they used regularly, by far the most used was Facebook with over 98% of people who answered the questions saying they used the social network. Surprisingly some people still used Myspace with 13% of respondents saying they had accounts. 

On the same line of questioning the next question asked whether players would want to be able to register and login using facebook or twitter connect services. A large majority said they would never used the services but still a reasonable amount said they would be willing to use it at least some of the time. 

Following on from this, I asked, which of any, of the following options people would be willing to post to their facebook streams. Clearly the most popular was winning the World Wonder race which is quite unique followed closely by Getting a Medal which is easily attainable but still quite difficult for most players. This question tended to show that the harder the task the more people believed they would post it to their facebook wall if available.

Again on the same kind of steam I asked whether people would be willing to play Travian actually on facebook rather than on their browser. 48% believed that they would probably at least try it while some of those believed they'd use their broswer as well as playing it through facebook. 95 people said they would certainly not play Travian on Facebook. 

A lot of people have been asking about Travian apps for phones and mobile devices so I decided to add in, as the last question, a question about which device would be the most popular for an app. There was a large split in this question with Android and iOS (Apple Devices) being only 10 votes apart. The largest number of people voted for 'Other' which includes thinks like Symbian, Bada and other operating systems I don't know, however this choice is very fragmented. 

Thank you all for reading, and voting in the survey, if you didn't vote then I hope at least that you enjoyed looking at the results. If you'd like to keep up to date with new posts on the blog please follow us on our Twitter feed which can be found here

