Sunday, January 17, 2016

Comx Statistics Winter 2015/2016 round- Dacia and Friends won the server

HF meta won the race

Attacker statistics.... I never thought of pushing Zmeul to be top attacker. He was top attacker from the start of the server... Things were not noticed with this WW thing. We forgot that part.. 

Top defender: Kini, mostly WW holder will get this spot at the end of the server

Top Hero

[1/15/2016 10:03:32 PM] beaskelly: top rank hero.. congrats man
[1/15/2016 10:03:37 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: :D
[1/15/2016 10:03:45 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: I am too good at this shit
[1/15/2016 10:03:49 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: asked for too much
[1/15/2016 10:03:51 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman:|4ee2001e&t=&s=0
[1/15/2016 10:04:21 PM] beaskelly: why u have only one hero in ur WW?
[1/15/2016 10:04:29 PM] beaskelly: u don't wanna share :D
[1/15/2016 10:04:31 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: :D
[1/15/2016 10:04:32 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: :D
[1/15/2016 10:05:02 PM] beaskelly: :D
[1/15/2016 10:05:08 PM] beaskelly: u scumbag
[1/15/2016 10:05:10 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: :D
[1/15/2016 10:05:11 PM] beaskelly: :P
[1/15/2016 10:05:14 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: nah
[1/15/2016 10:05:18 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: I dont want to be top hero
[1/15/2016 10:05:23 PM] beaskelly: how do we call that?
[1/15/2016 10:05:24 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: i dont want fucking bobek be
[1/15/2016 10:05:34 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: fucking bobek bought 100k scrolls
[1/15/2016 10:05:35 PM] beaskelly: ahhhh..
[1/15/2016 10:05:43 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: he spent 4000 golds on it
[1/15/2016 10:05:47 PM] beaskelly: how do u know?
[1/15/2016 10:05:50 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: he messaged me like look noob :D
[1/15/2016 10:06:01 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: he told me he spent 150 bucks on it
[1/15/2016 10:06:04 PM] beaskelly: that is so funny
[1/15/2016 10:06:06 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: :D
[1/15/2016 10:06:08 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: yeah
[1/15/2016 10:06:10 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: :D
[1/15/2016 10:06:12 PM] beaskelly: can u let me read the msg?
[1/15/2016 10:06:14 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: best ending ever
[1/15/2016 10:06:19 PM] beaskelly: it is gonna be funny
[1/15/2016 10:06:20 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: it's hungarian but you can if you want to
[1/15/2016 10:06:33 PM] beaskelly: sure. I'll translate
[1/15/2016 10:07:09 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: 

Sent:13.01.16 23:41
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Szia Benji!

Szeretnénk érdeklődni hogy nekiálltok még egyszer mert akkor úgy tartalékolunk ütőket hogy még egy pofára esés beleférjen?


[1/15/2016 10:07:15 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: This was when you hit the ww
[1/15/2016 10:07:21 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: he asked if he can come and destroy it again
[1/15/2016 10:07:36 PM] beaskelly: ahhh
[1/15/2016 10:08:22 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman:

Sent:15.01.16 17:41
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Hupsz, csak nem úszott a top hősi Benjike??:D Ezt is elcsodáltad?


[1/15/2016 10:08:30 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: you cant translate this
[1/15/2016 10:08:57 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: he says that oops you lost top1 hero benji and he is saying a word that is similar to wonder in hungarian for fucking up
[1/15/2016 10:09:26 PM] beaskelly: hahahahaha
[1/15/2016 10:09:37 PM] beaskelly: that's Balasz.. I have his pic :D
[1/15/2016 10:11:45 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: really??
[1/15/2016 10:11:47 PM] Benjamin/vB - iBergman: show me :D
[1/15/2016 10:11:58 PM] beaskelly: its funny on his profile he posted a muscle man and on his pic- he is not a muscle man. I am disappointed.

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