Wednesday, December 21, 2011

ASCII colection from alliances in many servers

One of my passions is ascii. And with passion I mean - I like to laugh about it, because usually they are quite silly and stereotypical.

I have gathered small collection of screen-shots so I thought, why not share?

oh yea ugly hand around your ally name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! RUNNING TO JOIN UR ALLY!

splashes around ally name - darn fancy!!

(read & see more ascii from worlds of travian after jump)

torch. Suggested added text - something about your enemies burning

Swords. Absolute top ascii in travian. I wont get in to symbolic meaning of it. But let me tell you... bigger the sword in ally profile fancier farms they will become. 

Egles. Mighty ones. 
Sorry, to me they look like hybrid between Elvis and stripper.

If you rip christian ascii. at least remove the cross?

best defense - granny under the blanket!

OOOOOOO you can make a castle toooooo!
(alliance will most cases make juicy farms later, trust the ascii signal here)

platypus inviting to visit forum. Luvely and insanely popular in travian.

this one, despite not looking too fancy, gets a cookie for originality. There is not 5-15 alliances with this kind of ascii on every server.

im scared already... not. Sorry, ascii do not kill the enemy troops. 

surprisingly low key for travian alliance ascii. My suggestion - add giant sword so the sin of actualy non-tacky ascii is avoided.

alliance name in ascii - greatest way to leave your mark in every server.

bunnies. Raising stars in ascii department. Met in every fifth ally desciption and every 10th player profile.

welcome with splashes. Because nothing makes you feel more welcome then some splashing. And we are happy you joined us to boost our alliance ranks so the enemy are afraid of us. Dont worry, no need for troops, our great rank will scare anyone off.

What you think? Ascii cool or not? Any favorites? Share!

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