Monday, December 5, 2011

The awesome and inspiring use of diet arty

As seen in recent server...

Great diet control I
This artefact reduces the crop usage of your own and others troops in your village to3/4x of its initial values.
Unique diet control
This artefact reduces the crop usage of your own and others troops in your village to1/2x of its initial values.

We all know how unique/large diet arties are supposed to be used for maximum benefit, right?

In case if you do not know - hold it and create storage villages for allies where they can send their troops and feed them there, using the diminished crop consumption.

One thing is theory, but I will be honest, seeing how it was used in last championship server made me quite jelous. Since server is over, there is no harm in sharing screenshots. Screenshots is obtained when russian group was having inner quarells and unique diet holder put them out on forum. They were removed minutes later, but screencapturing technology allowed to save it for future generations and inspiration when handling diet artifacts.
(read more after jump)

this is the player - note the villages locations

Here you go:

Impressive, aint it?

Morale - If you have this artifact - use it well.
If enemy has it - dont let enemy get comfy... Ensure ALWAYS a fake or few coming to diet arty holders villages. Then they are either forced to move around troops or to defend or dismiss a attack as fake, opening oportunity for combat operation ;)
Also the locations of those feeding villages might give you clue who stores troops there. Knowledge is power in travian too.

1 comment:

Prasoon said...

truely best usage

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