Saturday, December 17, 2011

Insert defense for same second attacks

OK, I admit, the title is slight marketing ploy :P

The notion of "second cannot be split" is core concept of travian. So if your opponent is good in sending waves, you are deeply screwed. If you are good in sending waves, your enemies are deeply screwed.

And yet. there is one case when same second defense inserts (sometimes called "cuts" or "snipes") can be and need to be done.
(read when and how further in post)

That is very specific situation and requires not just ability to time defense very well, but also a bit of luck with locations and online times. Let me tell you, but first, here you go, same second insert screenshot:

bow to carlea for doing this awesome snipe abowe!

Now about the situation when you should aim for same sec snipe:
When attacker has taken fancy in visiting your villages with chiefs one after another and due any reasons you are unable to gather an anvil. For it to work there are prerequisites:

  • -attackers hammer village is further away then closer villages
  • -you have own villages/ally/friend village with travel time to make it faster then hammer, but slower then following chiefs

what you should do?
As soon as you see the first attack pop up, ask/send defense that will become the snipe. Do it as soon as it is possible, before second attack appears. Aim for same second as the incoming attack.

How it works?
Travian stacks things. So if many attacks/defenses land in same second, their order is same as sending - first to send will be first to land.
So hammer will come first, then defense you sent even BEFORE second attack poped up, and then second attack that will hopefully be inserted, leaving attacker in surprised state.

If attacker is coming after more then one village, snipe all of them. Better to send few spare inserts then not send them where needed.

Good luck!

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