Tuesday, August 3, 2010

[INTERMEDIATE] How To Be A Top 20 Raider Without Gold

Written By: dhirjdj123
Edited By: Steve/Sag Sag

Most of the experienced players join the server within a few hours of the server starting. So it's much better to join the server when there are around 4000 to 5000 people already registered on it. This will probably be around 10-12 hours after the server starts. With at least 4000 people already registered you are likely to get a spawn village that is around 50-70 squares away from the 0,0 mark (e.g.:- 40,40 tile is 56.56 squares away from the 0,0 mark and so on). Start off by doing the tasks set to you by the taskmaster, do not waste resources on upgrades which do not get you rewards. To become a top raider you now have two options:
  1. Become A Gold User
  2. Stay Online Like I Do
Start with the Tasks and when you get to Task 19 you must take the Military Route and make a Rally Point and then a Barracks and then as soon as possible train the two clubswingers. Stop at this point as there is no need to complete the 22nd task which asks you to get all the resource tiles to level 2, as this will just delay your domination. 

Clubswingers are cheap and carry good amounts!

All the players on the server are now in Beginners Protection which means that nobody has been attacked yet but you will notice that some players have already gathered some offensive points already and some would have already got bounties by now as well. Go to the Top 10 List and find which of the top raiders is the closest to you. Now look up all the oasis in the 21*21 of the raider and you will notice that there is at least 1 oasis which will have already been completely cleared . Send your clubswingers on a raid to this oasis. Keep raiding this oasis non stop and find other such oasis as well. Once you have enough clubswingers you should start clearing the oasis in your own 21*21 and be raiding them constantly as the journey times will be shorter. Now you need to stop building anything else and just build as many clubswingers as possible, try and make sure your queues never stop.

After almost 60 hours after you activating your account there will be 12 hours left on your Beginners Protection but some of the people near you may have crossed their own BP by now. As soon as 3 days after the server starts the people who registered at the same time as you are all out of protection, start looking for 2-8 pop villages that are out of BP. Keep raiding them like constantly day and night. As I said earlier just make clubswingers and don't bother making anything else. Soon you will get into serious negative crop but don't worry because that is how the game works for all top raider. Start upgrading crop tiles as well to keep crop under control (but keep the Clubswingers on 24/7). As I mentioned earlier you will need to be hyper active during the entire 1st two weeks to become a top raider because they are gold users with whom you are competing; who definitely have an edge over you. Being a Teuton you need to use your 20% cranny dip bonus to completely empty your 21*21, don't let any one take your farms in your 21*21!

The main goal of a top Raider is to get a Full Bounty on every single raid and to loose the minimum amount of troops possible.

The question now arises how to get a Full Bounty and still lose only the minimum number of troops?

The main part of the question is quite easy and can be answered with just common sense. If you get a full bounty from a 10 pop village when you sent 4 clubswingers to the village then it doesn't necessarily mean you should increase the number of troops. Always make it a habit to send the same amount or less troops to each village when troops comes back full. Sending less troops maximizes your chances of getting a full bounty.
So what exactly do we mean by common sense? 

Say for example you didn't get a full bounty from the guy with the 10 pop village; now suppose that the village is a three hour journey for your clubswingers. A 10 pop village will have a approximate production of 10 resource per hours of each kind (maybe more for crop). So you just need to send 2 or 3 to that village to capture the resources that have been produced. This is a very important part as deciding how many troops to send can be the difference between coming back with a full bounty or sending your troops on a useless raid.


The Most important part of being a top raider is the 2nd part of the question. 

Suppose you have 3 villages with 30 pop in your 7*7 and you decide to send 10 clubs to each of those villages. You might get a full bounty from 2 of those villages but you also might loose a few troops in the 3rd village. Now how do you distinguish between 2 villages having the same pop as to which could have troops and which couldn't? 

If you have troops and are raiding well then you will surely kill a few rats or maybe even a few troops as well in the first few days of the server. You may even be attacked and the you will either dodge or get a few defensive points as well. This is what answers the second part of the question. Before attacking any guy with 20+ pop, open the top 10 statistics page and go to the overall attackers list. Check the offensive points of the player who you plan to hit and if he has 0-5 points then you know what to do because you have most likely found urself a new farm and in case that player has has 5+ offensive points then leave him alone. After checking the offensive points when I am sure that the player has a couple of troops or maybe none, I always check his defensive points as well. 

Checking the defensive points will give an approximate idea of what of player the village is owned by (Simmer, Aggressive or Defensive). If both offensive and defensive points are less than 3 each then go straight ahead and raid that guy day and night. If one of the offensive or defensive points is more than 3 but less than 6-7 then hit the guy with 20+ troops so that u clear him completely and if the player has 10+ points then you should leave him alone for now but do keep an eye on him because he might be a threat to your dominance. I suggest waiting to clear the guy until you have a 100 clubswingers or more ready to send.

From the third day onwards just keep raiding and making clubswingers and upgrading crop tiles. By the 7th day of the server I have 600-700 clubswingers. I always play alone (playing with a dual can make this easier and be less strain for you) but during the 1st week of the server I am online around 18 hours a day. So in the worst case you really should have atleast 400 clubs. On the 5th day you should finish off task 22, it won't take long if you are raiding enough. After this starting build an Academy to level 10. Once you get your level 10 academy then you need to make a Town Hall and start parties there. At most 3 parties will get enough Culture Points for your new village but while you are waiting for the parties to complete you should make your residence and train three settlers. Also find a good 15c, if you've been following this guide well enough you should be one of the first to a 2nd Village, so I suggest you try and find the nearest one to you with a 150% bonus, however if there is a 125% in your 21*21 and you want to stay close to your spawn village you could also go with that.

Now start shipping resources to your shiny new 15c and get started with clubs as soon as possible. Keep doing what I suggested earlier and soon you will have a few medals like this to put up on your profile.

Keep making clubs in your new 15c capital and remember to keep raiding and also look up into the alliance attack reports to find farms. The rest depends on your activity and how badly you want those medals. Since I play alone on my account I send my troops on raid at around 1am before sleeping but I am up by 5am to send the troops on raids again. Everything has it's price. You will have understood the price of those raiding medals by now; if you can't stay online for so many hours a day then try to find a dual or get a sitter who can raid for you. You need to be hyper active during the 1st 15 days of the server but after that even a modest amount of activity is sufficient to get you a medal. The picture above was taken a few minutes after the 28th week ended and I just send troops on raid by coming online for 5 mins every 2-3 hours and thats what you will have to do as well. The most important part of raiding depends on how fast your troops can get to the farms and return so that you can send them again. So if possible try to get the Titan Boots Artefact for your capital and you would become one of the fastest raiders on the server.

Written By: dhirjdj123
Edited By: Steve/Sag Sag


Anonymous said...

Τα botάκια ξέχασες να γραψεις

William Ryoo said...

Very well explained. Teutons are indeed the best raiders, but you should keep an eye on the crop - you never know, it might get into the negatives. Happy raiding! :)

Anonymous said...

you suck...teut freak! but you dont suck...so give it up the juice for romans, please, pretty please, with whipped cream and a cherry, since you seem to know the value and what up for them. ~animal

Anonymous said...

If you are talking about version T4 than you are wrong. Most players took the military path because it was always better in the T3 version, but in T4 it is worse. You should take the path of economy because it gives more in rewards. You have to build a granary and then a warehouse. They will give you moderate rewards, but when you have to build the marketplace it will give you over 500 of each resources in rewards and you build a barracks with it because you have already met all of the requirements. You will have more to spare and with the resources you have left over you can build troops.

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