Monday, July 5, 2010

Wolfray =Best cleaner in Natar village - its on the NW, RAY12345

I really love players who came to me and willing to post their battle report in my blog. I talk to this RAY12345 dual before but then I deleted my travian contacts since I wanna stop playing this game. Then, it happens that I am here playing with a little account and be a writer for the travian e-magazine. All the post I made in the magazine, there is no personal interest.

Well, I wanna introduce my player for today, RAY12345. I talk to one of the dual, wolfray. This fine young man live in the USA and it is truly amazing that he is playing this game for more than 5 years. He mostly played in .com and us server. I hope he did not spent all his money buying gold on this game, I found this game more expensive than monthly subscription game.. FYI to all young girls, he is available and he is looking for a gf. Well if you are interested then send me a message in private and will link you in. But don't blame me if your marriage is not doing well. I am just helping you out in finding a partner he he he... Well enough with those personal stuff, he might be mad at me.

As per observation, the Natar village in the NW was not being conquered right away but then this brave warrior sent his hammer to defeat the natarian knights. It is just one shot, all defenders were dead. So, for all new players and World Wonder conquerors - take note with the amount of armies you needed to kill and so your chieftain is so safe to come and conquered it (this is for newbies).

Below is his profile and I just wanna ask you. Do you know of what it means all the names of his villages? Is there any meaning of it? Go ask him via igm.

He is one of the top attacker today. Awesome!!!!

Hero stats is pretty good.

I always admired gaul tribes.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey by the way great blog! Really enjoying many of your guys posts and updates. But I have noticed you only write about the big guys/allies or there players. What about the little guys? Or at least small alliances such as Cal me Masters? The guy/girl is #1 player with #2 offense and amazing stats. How did he get there? Who are they and what do they do to make them so godly?

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